WoW Hero Talents List and Guide
It's time to ascend with brand new talents.

Hero Talents is a new feature in The War Within; we'll give you an overview so you can be best prepared for leveling in the new expansion!
Hero Talents are an exciting new feature in World of Warcraft: The War Within. They are basically sub specializations for your class, and every spec in the game can choose between two Hero Talents.
These are available from levels 71-80. You can fully fill out each tree with 10 points, but some nodes are choices, so you will have to match them to certain situations. While eventually some will look like clear winners depending on the type of content you do, be that Raiding, Mythic Dungeons, or PvP, there's certainly enough flexibility to experiment between your choices.
Most Hero talents don't drastically shake up your rotation, instead enhancing your toolkit in some ways. They also have lore flavor, such as Sunfury Mage, Dark Ranger Hunter, or Mountain Thane Warrior.
We prepared a full list of Hero Talent specs for you below; click to jump to your favorite class; we also provided links to the full talent trees so you can check them out!
Hero Talents in WoW: The War Within
Jump to class:
- Death Knight
- Demon Hunter
- Druid
- Evoker
- <a href="#hunter"="color:#AAD372;"> Hunter
- Mage
- Monk
- Paladin
- Priest
- Rogue
- Shaman
- Warlock
- Warrior
Deathbringer - Talent Tree
The Deathbringer tree is for Blood & Frost Death Knights.
Inflict a stacking debuff with Reaper's Mark, which will eventually explode and travel to the next victim, making your next Obliterate to cost no runes and strike additional enemies with scythes.
Rider of the Apocalypse - Talent Tree
The Rider of the Apocalypse tree is for Frost & Unholy Death Knights.
Call any of the Four Horsemen into battle with you, gaining various buffs and effects, such as a moving Death and Decay with Mograine. You can even call upon all of them at once with a major cooldown, and also: you may ride your mount in battle, making you immune to movement-impairing effects. You may ride your mount indefinitely in outdoor combat!
San'layn - Talent Tree
The San'layn tree is for Unholy & Blood Death Knights.
Essence of the Blood Queen empowers you, increasing damage of Death Coil and Death Strike as well as granting Haste. Turn your attacks vampiric to feast on your enemies and summon Blood Beasts alongside you that store up damage and eventually explode on your enemies and healing you.
Aldrachi Reaver - Talent Tree
The Aldrachi Reaver tree is for Havoc & Vengeance Demon Hunters.
Enhance your glaive attacks with Art of the Glaive, which will ricochet to additional enemies and further increase the damage of your next Chaos Strike and Blade Dance.
Fel-Scarred - Talent Tree
The Fel-Scarred tree is for Havoc & Vengeance Demon Hunters.
Gain deeper Fel powers with Demonsurge, which empowers your abilities causing you to explode with Fire damage. Demonic Intensity takes it even further, increasing the damage of Demonsurge each time it previously triggered for an additional 10%.
Druid of the Claw - Talent Tree
The Druid of the Claw tree is for Feral & Guardian Druids.
Finishing moves can turn into Ravage, which slash through all your foes and apply bleed. You'll have more chances to use it and extend the damage with other abilities, and can even retain bonuses when switching between Cat and Bear forms.
Elune's Chosen- Talent Tree
The Elune's Chosen tree is for Balance & Guardian Druids.
Fully lean into the moonlight archetype, blasting enemies with Astral damage in moonlit effects.
Keeper of the Grove - Talent Tree
The Keeper of the Grove tree is for Restoration & Balance Druids.
Focus on summoning treant minions to buff your damage or healing, and they can use some of your abilities while fighting alongside you. Generate more resources and deal AoE damage while looking majestic.
Wildstalker - Talent Tree
The Wildstalker tree is for Feral & Restoration Druids.
Hinder your enemies with Bloodseeker Vines for additional DoT damage as Feral or grow Symbiotic Blooms on your friends; multiple instances can overlap. The growth can spread and will buff your numbers, too.
Chronowarden - Talent Tree
The Chronowarden tree is for Preservation & Augmentation Evokers.
Your Living Flame is enhanced with time magic, making it repeat 15% of healing of damage you've done. You will also be sending automatically Chronoflames as you cast certain abilities; Tip the Scales is much better as it grants haste, speed, and cooldown recovery. What's more, Warp turns your Hover into a Mage-like Blink!
Flameshaper - Talent Tree
The Flameshaper tree is for Devastation & Preservation Evokers.
A new ability, Engulf, does major healing or damage, strengthened further by each periodic effect on the target. You can choose to consume 4 seconds of Dream Breath on allies to redistribute healing in a burst or similarly but with damage on Fire Breath.
Scalecommander - Talent Tree
The Scalecommander tree is for Augmentation & Devastation Evokers.
Cast your abilites on more targets with Mass Disintegrate or Mass Eruption, triggering Bombardments on such marked enemies. Even your allies can cause these to happen. Also, your flying breath attacks can now be steered!
Dark Ranger - Talent Tree
The Dark Ranger tree is for Beast Mastery & Marksmanship Hunters.
Black Arrow does damage over time, and grants you a chance to reset your Barbed Shot and Aimed Shot. You'll also have Smoke Screen, which improves your defenses, as Exhilaration will give you 3 seconds of Survival of the Fittest, which will also itself activate Exhilaration at 50% effectiveness.
Pack Leader - Talent Tree
The Pack Leader tree is for Beast Mastery & Survival Hunters.
Your Kill Command does more damage, and your pet's attacks can raise your critical strike damage up to 15%.
Sentinel - Talent Tree
The Sentinel tree is for Marksmanship & Survival Hunters.
Their signature ability applies Sentinel to the target, and stacking it up causes an implosion of Arcane damage. Either your Rapid Fire or Wildfire Bomb will cause a Lunar Storm, which causes more Arcane damage and increases target's damage taken from you by 10%.
Frostfire - Talent Tree
The Frostfire tree is for Fire & Frost Mages.
Blend abilities from both elements with Frostfire Bolt, which grants you Mastery and Haste stacks. You'll be able to call down both Meteors and Comet Storms regardless of your spec.
Spellslinger - Talent Tree
The Spellslinger tree is for Arcane & Frost Mages.
Passively gain splinters that can fire and embed into your enemies. You can fire barrages of splinters and even cause a Splinterstorm to deal all their remaining damage at once.
Sunfury- Talent Tree
The Sunfury tree is for Arcane & Fire Mages.
Channel your Kael'thas with glowing Spellfire Spheres that hover above you; unleash your ultimate ability to summon a Phoenix which launches its own spells at your targets, including some empowered ones. Gravity Lapse your enemies for more crowd control.
Conduit of the Celestials - Talent Tree
The Conduit of the Celestials tree is for Mistweaver & Windwalker Monks.
Your Celestial Conduit does AoE damage or healing around you (you will heal even as Windwalker). Moving is possible while channeling it. Celestials are spirits that can briefly come in to assist you, and you can even call them all at once with Unity Within.
Master of Harmony - Talent Tree
The Master of Harmony tree is for Brewmaster & Mistweaver Monks.
Store up a resource after doing damage or healing, and then release it using Thunder Focus Tea or Celestial Brew for an empowered effect. Your cleaving with Kick abilities is better, affecting up to 5 enemies in a line.
Shado-Pan - Talent Tree
The Shado-Pan tree is for Brewmaster & Windwalker Monks.
They generate flurry charges, which can stack up and unleash in a devastating blow. Gain the Wisdom of the Wall buff, grants one of four improvements, such as improved dodge, critical strike chance or damage, or more Mastery bonus.
Herald of the Sun - Talent Tree
The Herald of the Sun tree is for Holy & Retribution Paladins.
With Dawnlight, deal Radiant damage over time to enemies or heal allies with prisms of light. Link yourself to enemies and heal allies passing through when using Avenging Wrath.
Lightsmith - Talent Tree
The Lightsmith tree is for Holy & Protection Paladins.
Summon Sacred Weapons with Holy Armament Override, which buff your allies.
Templar - Talent Tree
The Templar tree is for Retribution & Protection Paladins.
It's hammering time! Call down a Hammer of Light with additional Empyrean Hammers to cleave your foes. Gain 60 stacks to use Light's Deliverance, which will give you an additional free cast of the signature ability.
Archon - Talent Tree
The Archon tree is for Holy & Shadow Priests.
Revolving around Halo, invoke rings of energy that both heal allies and damage enemies. Also, your Power Infusion gives you 10% more haste for even more power overwhelming.
Oracle - Talent Tree
The Lightsmith tree is for Holy & Protection Paladins.
Gain access to Premonition, which cycles between unique buffs, either shielding the target and granting damage reduction, reducing your cooldowns, or buffing your healing and making it distribute to allies.
Voidweaver - Talent Tree
The Templar tree is for Retribution & Protection Paladins.
Open up Entropic Rifts that follow enemies and make them suffer. You will gain access to Void Blast, and addtionally be able to power up your Rift with Collapsing Void, to do even more AoE damage.
Deathstalker - Talent Tree
The Fatebound tree is for Assassination & Subtlety Rogues.
It's time to plauge your enemies with additional damage over time. Apply Marks for additional damage and consume them to get more energy and damage.
Fatebound - Talent Tree
The Fatebound tree is for Assassination & Outlaw Rogues.
Finishing moves flips a Fatebound Coin with Hand of Fate, stacking increasing damage with the same flips, and either increasing your damage with a buff or dealing Cosmic damage right away. With your ultimate abilities, the coin lands on the side... counting as both flips. Even gain a permanent in-combat Agility buff if you get the same result seven times in a row.
Trickster - Talent Tree
The Trickster tree is for Outlaw & Subtlety Rogues.
Apply a Fazed debuff with certain attacks, which causes enemies to take more damage and be unable to parry you. Stack up more strikes with the Unseen Blade to perform a Coup de Grace which strikes the target as though you consumed 5 extra combo points. That's gonna have to hurt.
Farseer - Talent Tree
The Farseer tree is for Elemental & Restoration Shamans.
Summon Ancestors who work in tandem with you, casting spells and reducing your cooldowns. Nature's Swiftness is replaced by an improved version, Ancestral's Swiftness, which also summons a friend to your side.
Stormbringer - Talent Tree
The Stormbringer tree is for Elemental & Enhancement Shamans.
Spending Maelstrom leads to an improved Lightning Bolt — Tempest, which hits additional targets. It can also be triggered from Awakening Storm, so you'll be raining thunder on your foes in no time. It can even lead into instant cast Chain Lightnings!
Totemic - Talent Tree
The Totemic tree is for Enhancement & Restoration Shamans.
With Surging Totem, place a powerful object that either damages all enemies or heals your allies. Elemental motes circle your totem, enhancing your abilities in a variety of ways
Diabolist - Talent Tree
The Diabolist tree is for Demonology & Destruction Warlocks.
Spending shards causes a Diabolic Ritual to summon powerful demons by your side: an Overlord, Mother of Chaos, or a Pit Lord, to unleash powerful attacks.
Hellcaller - Talent Tree
The Hellcaller tree is for Affliction & Destruction Warlocks.
Your main DoT ability changes to Wither, which stacks up to do Shadowflame damage, eventually imploding. Flare up the stacks even more with a new ability, Malevolence, which is a 1 minute cooldown.
Soul Harvester - Talent Tree
The Soul Harvester tree is for Affliction & Demonology Warlocks.
Capture Succulent Souls of your enemies to power up your skills, and demolish your enemies with a powerful DoT, Soul Anathema, which can stack on itself.
Colossus - Talent Tree
The Colossus tree is for Arms & Protection Warriors.
You can channel Demolish, which is a series of attacks that still allows you to use some defensive abilities and reduces damage taken. Colossal Might will stack up to increase the damage of your Demolish.
Mountain Thane - Talent Tree
The Mountain Thane tree is for Fury & Protection Warriors.
You'll have a chance to strike enemies with Lightning, increasing while using Avatar, which you can also briefly gain at any time.
Slayer - Talent Tree
The Slayer tree is for Arms & Fury Warriors.
As Slayer Warrior, you will be applying alot of Marked for Execution debuffs to increase the damage of your next Execute and reduce the cooldown of Bladestorm.
As always, the viability of each hero talent tree is subject to balancing and updates. Unless you're min-maxing, you should simply go for what you enjoy, and just adjust the selectable talents best to suit the situation. It's most important to have fun with it and enjoy the Hero Talent fantasy.
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