With the launch of Tekken 8, the Iron Fist tournament invites us once again onto the world stage. As just about every aspect of the game has been refined, this is a great entry for returning players and brand new ones, too.
If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the roster, look no further; thanks to Fergus2k8, we've got you covered with a great guide. And worry not, even if you're not all that familiar with Tekken mechanics, the explanations have simple Pros and Cons to read, and we've also included a handy Glossary.
Fergus2k8 is an Asuka player from Ireland who entered many Tekken 7 tournaments, and qualified for the Tekken World Tour Finals twice.
Read on to learn more about Tekken 8 mechanics and characters.
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Tekken 8 Mechanics Overview
1 - Left Punch (Square/X)
2 - Right Punch (Triangle/Y)
3 - Left Kick (Cross/A)
4 - Right Kick (Circle/B)
High - A move that can be blocked standing and whiff on crouching
Mid - A move that can be blocked standing and hit crouching
Low - A low that cannot be blocked standing and gets blocked by crouching
Fastest moves are 10 frames (like 3f in Street Figther games) with exceptions
Most Tekken players refer to startup frames as “Impact Frames” so 10f startup would be just called i10 in Tekken jargon.
Backdash Cancel (BDC) - is basically cancelling your backdash with db (down back) to cut the recovery period and allowing you to perform another action. This is done via (b,b db~b, b, db~b b….). This is a variant of the BDC called the Korean Backdash Cancel (KBC). BDC is good for creating space between yourself at the opponent quickly and to escape mixup situations. There are a few ways to perform a BDC but this is the preferred one as it works with backsway characters such as Bryan, Paul and Nina.
BT = Backturned, it’s basically just your character putting their back towards the opponent. Some characters have a unique movelist out of BT such as Chloe, Feng, MRaven, Xiaoyu
CH = Counter Hit, hitting someone out of their attack, for some moves, there is a specific property that comes out on a CH only, ie a CH launcher, CH knockdown etc
Crush - a property of a move where it is designed to go cleanly through a move depending on high or low crush property.
Heat - a new mechanic in Tekken 8, it is an install-like. Each character has their own unique way of using heat through buffing certain moves, increasing chip damage overall, and gives them access to moves like Heat Smashes.
Heat Burst - a way to enter heat, it is a fast armored move that is generally + on block, it is a strong defensive option to deal with the opponent’s pressure.
Heat Engager - each character have moves that are assigned a Heat Engager property, which means when this move connects on the opponent on hit, they will enter their heat state. If you use a heat engager move while in heat, the move will turn into a launcher or a knockdown, depending on character.
Heat Smash - it is a one button move per character, it immediately exits heat and they are character specific. Some characters have low heat smashes, some characters have + on block mid heat smashes, they’re all different.
High Crush - a move that’s designed to be “invincible” to high moves.
Homing move - a move that is designed to shut down sidestepping.
Hopkick - a standard low crush launcher that most characters have. Usually i15 and done by either uf3 or uf4.
Launcher - a combo starter, usually the fastest launcher is i15 for most chars.
Low Crush - like high crush moves, low crush moves just simply hops over lows.
FC - Full Crouch , a state where the character is in crouching and there is an exclusive moveset in this state.
Mishima - when people refer to Mishimas in-game, they are referring to the playstyle rather than the surname. So this includes Heihachi, Kazuya and Devil Jin (even though Jin is a Kazama by name). In TTT2, Angel was considered a Mishima under this term. This comes with shared tools such as EWGF, Hellsweep and wavedashing.
Oki/Okizeme - The mixups you force on your opponent when they are on the ground.
Rage - a state a character is in with 25% or less health remaining. It gives your character a very slight damage increase and access to Rage Art and Rage Drive. It’s indicated by a red aura around the character and red glowing lifebar.
Rage Art - Basically Tekken 7’s version of a super. Fully armoured but still absorbs damage so can still get KO’ed if absorbed move kills. Uses up your rage and every chars RA is different in terms of speed.
Range 0/1/2/3 etc: Range 0 is point blank, Range 1 is a single backdash away. Range 2 = 2 backdashes etc
Power Crush - an armored move available for all chars. Unique to each character.
Tornado attack - a move that causes them to spin and fly away in a juggle allowing for enders. This replaces the bound from T6/TTT2 and is usually given as t! in combo notations. You may also see screw which is the older name for it.
Seeable - means it’s reactable, usually referred to with lows.
SS - sidestep notation so a SS1 move would be Sidestep + 1.
SSL - Sidestep left - performed by tapping up on P1 side and down on P2 side.
SSR - Sidestep right - performed by tapping down on P1 side and up on P2 side.
SWL - Sidewalk left - basically a longer but more vulnerable step, done by tapping for SSL then holding down the button
SWR - Sidewalk right - same as SSR but tapping then holding down the button.
WS - While Standing, a state where the character transitions from crouching to standing, there is an exclusive moveset in this state.
WS Punishment - When I refer to this, it’s when you block a move from crouching (lows) or blocking a move that leaves you in crouch, it’s your punishment from crouching essentially.
WR - While Running, a state where the character is considered running.
Wall Carry - a combo that is designed around taking your opponent to the wall.
Wallsplat - a move designed to splat the opponent vs the wall for a followup combo.
Tekken 8 Character Overview