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Rainbow Arcade Streamer Feature: FaunAndGames & Dona Tarte

Join us in welcoming Rainbow Arcade streamers!

Luke Siuty
By Luke Siuty
3 minute read

Throughout the month of June, SteelSeries is spotlighting LGBTQIA+ creators! Let's get to know FaunAndGames and Dona Tarte!

Rainbow Arcade's mission statement is beautiful yet simple: they believe in positivity in gaming and beyond. The team of LGBTQIA+ streamers believe in diversity and inclusion, empowering communities while making them safe, and yes, positivity! Their charitable work has supported the Trans Lifeline, The Trevor Project, and the World Wildlife Fund in Australia.

SteelSeries is proud of spotlighting these diverse creators throughout Pride month. Stay tuned to our socials and Twitch as we feature them throughout the month.

We're spotlighting members of the Rainbow Arcade each month, so take a quick look at their bio, and you never know, you may have found your new favorite streamer! Branch out and learn about someone new.


FaunandGames Streamer

Jess/Fawn (they/them) is a queer nonbinary neurospicy variety streamer from Canada. Fawn loves celebrating queer joy, uplifting marginalized voices, and normalizing talking about mental health. Their Twitch stream includes everything from cute new indie games, TTRPGs, special events, chaotic fundraisers, community games, and the nerdiest of chats. Catch them streaming Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

"I love to showcase and highlight indie games especially those created by and for marginalized folx. I always enjoy getting to gasp in surprise or cheer in delight at the wonderful stories games let me share with my channel."

Jess also is a TTRPG producer, and has ran shows for Roll20, Hit Point Press, and Bully Pulpit Games.

"My community is very diverse, wonderful, and welcoming. We love celebrating queer joy, uplifting marginalized voices, and normalizing talking about mental health."

Top 5 Games:

  1. Kingdom Hearts
  2. Stardew Valley
  3. Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Arceus
  4. Hades
  5. Tchia

Advice from FaunAndGames:

I would say if you think streaming is something you want to try, just do it. Don't go out and buy a bunch of stuff before you even know you like it. Just jump in with what you got and then after you do it a few times, if you want to keep going you'll also have a better idea of what you actually need. Also, moderate your space. Keep it safe for yourself and others.

Find FaunAndGames on Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram.

Dona Tarte

Dona Tarte streamer

Dona Tarte (pron. dough-na) is a VERY Irish, VERY queer red-headed variety streamer, drag artist & host. Her content across Twitch & TikTok mainly focuses around baking, gaming, makeup and drag all while creating a safe space for her heavily LGBTQIA+ ridden community.

Out of Drag, Dona has a degree in Professional Baking & Management, which, during lockdown crowned (herself) the Queen of Baking on Twitch!

She hosts quite a lot of events such as panels, interviews, shows and produces her own Bake-Off charity events featuring international content creators, entertainers and TV stars raising thousands for charity. Most recently she hosted the first-ever Drag Showcase at TwitchCon Amsterdam.

Top 5 Games:

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.. Majora's Mask.. and maybe Wind Waker..
  2. Garry's Mod
  3. Resident Evil 5
  4. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  5. Bugsnax

Advice from Dona Tarte

  • STAY HYDRATED, I know it sounds silly, but when you’re in your 16th comp game and your only drink was half a can of diet coke, absolutely not. DRINK - THAT - WATER.
  • Spend all of your rent on cosmetics, it’ll make you better at the game.
  • When games get heated and your team gets toxic on mic, mute and move on. It is what responsible adults would do. When they go low, I go high! I find complimenting & even flirting makes bigots squirm and it truly gives me life.
  • Add jump to your scroll up for FPS games, it’ll make you look professional.

Find Dona Tarte on Twitch, TikTok, and Twitter.

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Luke Siuty
About Luke Siuty

Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.