And one of the things that's so important is who you are as a person. The things you represent you want to see that today we put Alesha, but we made a reference to Alesha that was a really powerful character. It was really important. There are a lot of people that just don't see themselves represented in games and the amount of mail that I got about that.
I mean, it's also important to people that I, I talk to people constantly and it really, really means something to people. And the thing I was just trying to explain is, it's very easy when all your life you've seen yourself in everything you've ever done. Maybe you've don’t understand that's important because you've never not had it, you've never experienced not having it.
And so that has always been important to us. And even now, I mean, the reason I answered on the blog is I felt like if ever there was a time just to hear that again, now is the time that that it is. Sadly, the world is not as reflective of that as it should be and that we care about it.
And I wanted to make sure that that no matter what is happening, we still care about that.
Athena Froehlich: Yeah, definitely. I mean that for a personal anecdote, I was a Magic fan before I started working at the company, and I still remember when Kaya was debuted and the care and love that was put into that character, how meaningful it was for me personally, because she looks like people in my family, and that was a really exciting moment to see that reflected in a game that I had invested myself so much into.
Blake Rasmussen: Yeah, I mean, the only thing I'll add, the head of the Magic studio, he says this in almost every meeting: Magic is for everyone. And that's really the entire studio's mantra. And for it to be for everyone, it needs to be reflective of everyone. In our market research, we see that among the highest motivators for why people enjoy Magic is self-expression. And in order to express yourself, you have to see yourself in the game as well.
And so just practically speaking, that's one of the things people love about magic. In addition to being incredibly important, our studio is a pretty diverse group of people and are all really passionate.