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How to Build a House in Skyrim

Build your house in Skyrim in 5 easy steps.

Luke Siuty
By Luke Siuty
4 minute read

Skyrim enables players to build their houses from the ground up with extensive customization of layout and design. You can choose different wings and features to suit your playstyle, such as an armory, library, or alchemy lab.

Each house can be equipped with specific amenities like gardens, stables, and animal pens, which can aid actions such as crafting or farming. Your house serves as a valuable place for you to sleep and safely store loot.

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5 Steps to Build a House in Skyrim

Step 1: Obtain Land

First, you’ll need to purchase land to build your house on. You can purchase land in three holds: Falkreath, Hjaalmarch, or The Pale.

  • Complete quests for the Jarl of your chosen hold to gain permission to buy land.

  • Speak to the steward of the hold to buy a plot for 5,000 gold.

Step 2: Gather Materials

Once you’ve acquired your plot, gather the necessary materials from a chest located at your new property. You will typically need:

  • Quarried Stone

  • Clay

  • Iron Ingots

  • Sawn Logs

Step 3: Start Building

To start building your house, you will need a drafting table and a workbench.

The drafting table is where you plan and select the layout and additions for your house. When you first arrive at your plot of land, you will find a drafting table nearby. Initially, you must select the “Small House Layout” to begin construction. This serves as the foundation for further expansion.

The carpenter’s workbench is where you physically build each part of your house using the materials you’ve gathered. You’ll build your house one piece at a time by placing the required materials onto the workbench.

Here are the materials you’ll need for each part of your house:


Materials Required


10 Quarried Stone

Wall Framing

10 Sawn Logs


10 Quarried Stone

Floor and Roof Framing

4 Sawn Logs


6 Sawn Logs


1 Lock, 2 Iron Fittings, 4 Nails

Step 4: Expand Your Home

Once the small house is complete, return to the drafting table to plan additional wings, features, and furnishings for your home, such as the Main Hall and various wings like Main Hall, East Wing (Armory, Library), West Wing (Bedrooms), and Basement.

Each additional section to add to your home requires specific materials, so you’ll need to plan your build out in advance.

Basic materials needed for furnishing:

  • 11 Sawn Logs

  • 1 Quarried Stone

  • 9 Iron Ingots

  • 4 Leather Strips

  • 2 Goat Horns

  • 2 Straw

  • 1 Glass

Step 5: Hire a Steward

Once your house is built, you can designate a follower as a steward. They can help manage your property by purchasing materials and furniture for you.

First, you’ll need to choose a follower who is eligible for the role. Most followers in the game can become stewards, but they must be available and willing to take on the responsibility.

Then, you’ll travel with your chosen follower to one of your homes built with the Hearthfire DLC. Once there, engage in conversation with your follower and select the option that asks them to become your steward.

Once appointed, a steward can perform several tasks to help manage and enhance your home:

  • Purchase Building Materials: Stewards can buy essential materials like sawn logs, quarried stone, and clay, which are necessary for further construction and furnishing.

  • Order Furnishings: You can instruct your steward to furnish rooms within your house. This includes crafting furniture and decorations that you might not want to build yourself.

  • Hire Carriages and Bards: Stewards can arrange for a carriage service at your home, allowing fast travel to major cities. They can also hire a bard to provide entertainment.

  • Purchase Livestock: If you have built an animal pen or stable, your steward can purchase animals such as cows, chickens, and horses for your property.

  • Manage Apiaries and Gardens: Stewards can help maintain additional features like gardens or apiaries if you’ve built them on your land.

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Luke Siuty
About Luke Siuty

Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.