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How to be Productive When Working from Home

In the past year, I’ve learned a lot about being productive while working from home! It can definitely be a challenge, but here are some hopefully helpful tips that I’ve learned along the way.

Since I started with SteelSeries in January of 2019, I’ve had the awesome opportunity to work from my home in Florida. It’s been a lifesaver, because I’m pretty sure my family and I could not survive in the frozen tundra that is Chicago. Here are my tips for working from home successfully:

Set up an office space

It’ll be incredibly tempting to work from your bed or your couch in front of the TV, but that is 100% setting you up for failure. Even if you don’t have a desk setup, do what you can to make one – whether that’s setting up a workstation at your dining room table or just a corner of your apartment. It’ll help you get into a good working mindset and help you eliminate distractions. If you have no other choice than to work from the couch, do whatever is humanly possible to avoid giving into watching YouTube, Twitch or Netflix!

Break up the day

When you’re working from home, there’s a good chance you may never set foot outside, which will definitely make you stir crazy. Periodically throughout the day, take some time to go outside! Whether that’s just a walk around the block, a walk downstairs to check your mail, or walking over to a convenience store to grab a Red Bull or getting Chipotle, do something to get a little fresh air. I’ve even heard of people “commuting” and starting their day with a walk. Just a simple break will hopefully do wonders for your mental health 😊. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, maybe even go work out!

Make a good meal!

Working from home frees you from having to pack a lunch or throw a frozen meal in the microwave. While you’re home, make sure you’re eating well! Take a little extra time and make something good for you and that’s more than a TV dinner.

Stay in touch with your co-workers!

I’m lucky enough that my wife works from home (and for the moment we share an office, which is pleasant 90% of the time 😉), so I still get human interaction throughout the day. I know that’s not the case for a lot of people, so be sure to keep in close contact with your co-workers! Don’t miss calls, and don’t be afraid to call them for a quick question. There’s a good chance that while working from home, you can go a full day without any real human interaction, so make that a priority! Also consider playing more social games during your free time, so that you’re still talking together with friends. My brother lives in Denver, so he and I commonly catch up over a few games of Overwatch at night!

Stay Organized!

Without the accountability of working in an office surrounded by your coworkers (or your boss!), it can be easy to let thing fall between the cracks. Find a way to still keep everything organized! Something different works for everyone, but try things like getting a planner, having a virtual assistant set reminders or team up with coworkers to keep each other accountable!

Speak Up! Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

As great as it is to be able to work in your pajamas, working from home can be a very lonely experience. As we enter into a period of relative uncertainty, if you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to ask for help! Reach out to your boss, coworkers, family or friends and talk to someone. Without a proper balance, working from home has the possibility of negatively impacting your mental health. Don’t be silent! We’re all in this together so reach out to someone, even your friendly neighborhood Twitter guy, and ask them to pick you up. Community is even more important while working from home. is donating a portion of all sales in April and May to The Global FoodBanking Network. We also encourage you to donate directly to your local medical, service, food, and other charities. Now more than ever is the time for us to help each other however we can.

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