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Glory Stories - Mobile Week

Your favorite moments from the screen that fits in your hands.

Luke Siuty
By Luke Siuty
2 minute read

Our weekly installment of Glory Stories showcases our community submissions. Let's see what we have in store this time!

Mobile games find a special place in our hearts. Whether we dedicate to those fully or just fill time when convenient, the mobile gaming market is immense. The advancements in technology put far more advanced systems in our hands than dedicated consoles used to back in the day.

Through our social media channels, such as the SteelSeries Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, we've asked you for your favorite memories from Battle Royale games. We've picked our favorites to spotlight for Glory Stories. Game On!

GamePigeon Apple Mobile

From @owen_little2valid

Thank you, GamePigeon, you've done a service to all the Apple users.

PUBG Mobile

From @pavan1209071

Don't worry, pavan1209071, even if our social media folks don't believe you, I do.

Terraria Mobile

From @ale_0753

That's really impressive! I love Terraria, and it's great that it can be played anywhere.

PUBG Mobile

From @alexander_buzek

Hmm, I wonder if this explains pavan1209071's winstreak... either way, you should get the Stratus+ for an advantage.

Call of Duty: Mobile

From @gumballcab

Doing that is so satisfying! I've done that once...

Fortnite Mobile

From @guerramg06

Nothing better than winning a battle royale with your bro. Congrats!!

Remember, we've got tons of codes to giveaway, so keep coming back every week as we celebrate other genres! Game On!

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Luke Siuty
About Luke Siuty

Wordsmith at SteelSeries. Enthusiastic about Dota 2 and fighting games. A cat dad.