To view your keybinds in MW3, all you need to do is make your way to the main lobby and then click the cog icon in the top-right of the screen. This takes you to the settings, where you can choose a number of tabs to view and alter. The one you need to find is called “Keyboard & Mouse” and once you’re on it, scroll over to the “Keybinds” section at the top of the screen.
In the Keybinds section, you can freely view and change every single action available to you in multiplayer. To change a keybind, just click on its currently assigned button and the game will ask you to press a new button to map to that action. All that’s left to do is press your desired button and the new keybind is set.
There are over 30 keybinds in the MW3 settings and they all have a default button assigned to them. While you can keep them at their default buttons, remapping a few of the keybinds will be hugely beneficial to your gameplay.
Best Keybinds for Modern Warfare 3 on PC
With all of that out of the way, you can now go about altering your keybinds so you’re ready to start dominating the competition in multiplayer.
Here’s the full list of keybinds we recommend to start out in MW3:
Move Forward: W
Move Backward: S
Move Left: A
Move Right: D
Walk: Not Bound
Auto Move Forward: Not Bound
Jump/Stand/Mantle: Space Bar
Prone/Dive: Z
Change Stance/Slide/Dive: Left
Crouch/Slide: C
Sprint/Tactical Sprint/Focus:Shift
Interact: E
Fire Weapon: Left Mouse Button
Aim Down Sight: Right Mouse Button
Reload: R
Next Weapon: 2
Weapon Mount: ADS + Melee
Tactical ADS: Not Bound
Weapon Inspect: V
Fire Mode: B
Melee: F
Lethal Equipment: X
Tactical Equipment: Q
Vehicle Advanced Keybinds: Default
Scoreboard: Tab
Map: M
Ping: Mouse Button 5
Ping Wheel: Left Alt
Danger Ping: Not Bound
Text Chat (Last Used Channel): Default
Change to Loadout 1: Default
In-Game Statistics: Default
Launcher Menu: F1
Social Menu: F2
Settings Menu: F3
Loadout Menu: F6
Push to Talk: Middle Mouse Button