Apex Legends Conduit Guide and Abilities
Learn how to play the Conduit!

It's important to know all the abilities of every Legend so you can be prepared for every situation. Never get caught off guard with our informative guide about Conduit.
Conduit's shocking entrance to the 19th season of Apex Legends brings a new support character into the fray. This new Healer is themed around lightning and shock abilities, so get familiar with her to make some electrifying plays in Apex Legends.
About Apex Legends Conduit
Information about Conduit | Apex Legends |
Real Name | Rowenna Valentina Coffey Divina |
Age | 27 |
Home World | Nexus |
Class | Support |
Tactical Ability | Radiant Transfer |
Passive Ability | Savior's Speed |
Ultimate Ability | Energy Barricade |
Conduit Special and Passive Abilities
As a Support Class,, Conduit can craft unrecovered or expired ally banner cards at Replicators. She can also access hidden loot in blue Extended Supply Bins for Healing and Survival Items.
Tactical Ability — Radiant Transfer
Send a surge of energy to a teammate, generating temporary shields for them and Conduit when in danger.
Passive Ability — Savior's Speed
Gain a burst of speed when running toward a teammate out of Tactical range (50 meters).
Ultimate Ability — Energy Barricade
Deploy an array of shield-jamming devices which damage and slow enemies.
Conduit Tips
- The exact tactical range for her Savior's Speed is 50 meters, and it takes 3 seconds for the boost to activate, while looking in the general direction of the teammate
- Use this increased move speed while away from the team to run back to catch some loot or ammo, saving time for your team
- Radiant Transfer also applies temporary shielding to Conduit herself. This entirely recharges ally shields but only gives 64 to her.
- The total time of the shielding ability is up to 20 seconds, while the cooldown is 21 seconds, so you can keep them active almost the entire time, but note that they rise and degrade over time. Getting hit interrupts the charge up.
- Look to the icons on teammates for information: a gray shield icon means they are full, while a yellow partial icon means it's above 50%. Red icons mean the shields are below 50% and lower.
- You can use your Tactical while doing almost any other action, so don't waste time and apply healing kits at the same time or help allies in combat.
- The jammers from the Ultimate last 60 seconds and cover a wide horizontal area. Cut off enemy advancement or their escape route out the back.
- You can deploy them indoors, but try not to do it in corners or other crowded areas, as some of them will break that way.
- If you look down while targeting Energy Barricade, it will spread out in a V instead of a straight line.
We hope this is enough information to get started with Conduit in Apex Legends. Keep in mind that the best players come up with new tricks on the fly, so don't hesitate to experiment with her Energy Barricade. Play smart with Radiant Transfer to keep your squad alive, and utilize the increased movement speed to either save allies or fulfill objectives you set out for yourself.
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